Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Ideal Body

      It is obvious that society has an ideal image for both Men and Women to fit. Overtime that specific image has evolved and changed in several ways. One example of this change is the increase in muscularity of males. A clear example of this alteration of the ideal male figure is present in male action figures. Catina Dan, a blogger for Men of Action, provides great images that represent the evolution of male action figures. Several images are present below. 
(Gung Ho)

(Han Solo)

(The Incredible Hulk)

(Ram Man)

John Brenkus, in his book, The Perfection Point, talks about finding the limits for people trying to attain the perfect body. He analyzes the sport science behind the limits of pure strength and how performance enhancing drugs are used to stretch the limits. He states that, “Every time someone declares that we can go no faster, no higher, no farther, someone else comes along to prove him wrong and leaves the doubter regretting his foolishness” (XI). Through this ideology,  he’s basically saying the limits for human achievements in sports are unpredictable. Man will continue to evolve in to a more advanced athlete. Also when those more advanced athletes begin to take performance enhancing drugs they breach the threshold of any normal person’s capability, and can achieve unconceivable feats. 

Works Cited

Brenkus, John. The Perfection Point. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010. Print. 

Dan, Catina. "Do you Believe in Evolution?" Men of Action. 15 April 2009. Web. 15 March 2011.
Gung Ho.Action Figures Observer's Field Manual. Web. 15 March 2011. 
Han Solo. Action Figures Observer's Field Manual. Web. 15 March 2011. 
Ram Man. Action Figures Observer's Field Manual. Web. 15 March 2011. 
The Incredible Hulk. Action Figures Observer's Field Manual. Web. 15 March 2011. 

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