Saturday, April 16, 2011

Evolution of the Bodybuilder

    As the sport of bodybuilding grew in size, the level of competition increased directly. Competitors have continually grown in size and increased in strength levels from the time of the first competition in 1891. Even recently the changes made in the physics of bodybuilders are astounding. Below are images of two bodybuilders: Arnold Schwarzenegger, seven time Mr. Olympia from the “Golden Age” of bodybuilding in the 1970’s, and Ronnie Coleman, eight time Mr. Olympia, whose reign of the Mr. O title lasted from 1998 to  2005.
(Ronnie Coleman Posing)

     It’s obvious that Coleman is more massive, defined, and vascular than Arnold. Similarly, Coleman’s strength is greater than Arnold’s. Arnold, in 1974, at a height of 6’2’’ and contest weight 235 lbs. could bench 450 lbs. for 8 reps (Jones). Whereas Ronnie Coleman, at a height of 5’11’’ and contest weight of 280 lbs. is able to bench press 495 lbs. for five reps (The Cost of Redemption). Some of the other very impressive lifting statistics of Ronnie Coleman include: Dead lifting 800 lbs. for two clean reps, leg pressing 2300 lbs. for 8 reps. These heavy weight lifting techniques were not very common during Arnold's era. Below are a few videos of Ronnie accomplishing the lifting stats that I mentioned above.

     This supports the pattern that bodybuilders are continually becoming more advanced as time progresses. Many wonder just how much more massive, vascular, and strong bodybuilders can become in the future. Is there going to be what Brenkus describes as a “perfection point” (discussed in an earlier post) in which the physiques of these athletes can become no more massive and defined. On the other hand, will continually changing human genes provide the backbone for better and better competitors in the future? Also, if more effective and stronger supplementation, such as anabolic steroids are developed these athletes will be able to break any plateau that human nature presents.

Works Cited

Arnold. n.d. Web. 15 March 2011. <>. 
Brenkus, John. The Perfection Point. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010. Print.
Jones, Jake. Arnold Schwarzenegger. 2005 J.L. Jones Enterprises, LLC. Web. 15 March 2011. 
Ronnie Coleman 2300 lb Leg Press. 25 February 2011. Online Video Clip. Youtube. 15 March 2011.
Ronnie Coleman 800 pound Deadlift. 26 January 2009. Online Video Clip. Youtube. 15 March 2011.
Ronnie Coleman Posing. n.d. Web. 15 March 2011. <>.
Ronnie Coleman Supernatural. 25 February 2009. Online Video Clip. Youtube. 15 March 2011. 
The Cost of Redemption. Dir. Mitsuru Dkabe. Perf. Ronnie Coleman. MOC video, 2005. DVD. 

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